
ASF: Will It Be Coming to a Farm Near You?

As much as the US pork industry hopes African swine fever (ASF) won’t enter the country, the challenge is formidable. An enormous number of food products are confiscated every day at the border, and the number of people traveling to the US from infected countries continues to grow. Both scenarios create a constant threat, but the enduring goal is to keep the virus out of US pork operations. “It’s each country’s responsibility to control ASF,” says Juan LuBroth, DVM, Chief Veterinary...


China Commits to $100-Million Pork Purchase from Danish Crown

To help ease its domestic pork shortage, China’s state-owned agriculture conglomerate COFCO has agreed to buy $100 million of pork from European pork producer Danish Crown in 2020. On Wednesday, COFCO said in a statement that the purchase would help the country diversify the origins of its imports and product variety while making purchases more sustainable, Reuters reports. The companies signed a preliminary purchase agreement during the China International Import Expo in Shanghai. Although no volumes have been agreed upon yet,...


Lighthizer Plans to Resume Talks with China

Lead negotiators between the U.S. and China plan to restart conversations this week. That news comes from U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer during his second day of testimony on Capitol Hill. The ambassador appears before the House Ways and Means Committee Wednesday. Like the previous day's hearing at the Senate, Lighthizer covers a litany of trade topics with much of the focus is encouraging Congress to move forward on the U.S. Mexico Canada trade agreement. During the hearing, Lighthizer was asked...


African Swine Fever: A Threat You Can't Ignore

African swine fever (ASF) is a threat to the U.S. pork industry that Dr. Daniel Hendrickson, DVM, takes very seriously. Hendrickson owns Stoney Creek Veterinary Service in Farmland, Ind., a part of Four Star Veterinary Service. He believes that the United States is taking great strides to keep the ASF virus out, from border protection to feed companies closely monitoring where they source their ingredients. “If we do get it in the U.S., I feel that we are in a very good...


Canada, Mexico Lift Retaliatory Tariffs as USMCA Moves Forward

The path to ratification of the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement took a step forward on Monday when Canada and Mexico removed retaliatory tariffs on many products including pork, apples, grapes, cheeses, flat steel and numerous food products. This action follows President Trump’s lift of steel and aluminum tariffs. According to their official notice of tariff removal, the Canadian government “stood up for our country's steel and aluminum workers, industries, and communities” by imposing reciprocal, dollar-for-dollar countermeasures against imports of steel, aluminum,...